Personal project of a Bee getting a speed boost from a flower.

I recreated the logo and animated it for the company to use as an asset for a video and social media.

I animated the logo for the company to use as an asset for a video and social media.

Personal project showcasing a fluid shape animation

I added motion to her chicken illustration and added a little frantic worm for some narrative. Her work can be viewed at https://www.chamisakellogg.com.

I added motion/color to her illustration of the floral lady, as well adding in a little bee for some narrative. Her work can be viewed at https://www.mercedestabish.com.

Looping gif of a green flag for clients website

Animated Gif used for an asset in an e-card for a funeral.

Personal Project, mock up for a retail store gif asset.

Personal Project, mock up for website asset

An animated gif used for an asset for a DnD group.

An animated gif used for an asset for a DnD group.

Personal Project showcasing walk cycles in an animated gif.

Personal project showcasing some squash and stretch in an animated gif.

Personal project, mock up for animated banner.

Personal project of a Bee getting a speed boost from a flower.
I recreated the logo and animated it for the company to use as an asset for a video and social media.
I animated the logo for the company to use as an asset for a video and social media.
Personal project showcasing a fluid shape animation
I added motion to her chicken illustration and added a little frantic worm for some narrative. Her work can be viewed at https://www.chamisakellogg.com.
I added motion/color to her illustration of the floral lady, as well adding in a little bee for some narrative. Her work can be viewed at https://www.mercedestabish.com.
Looping gif of a green flag for clients website
Animated Gif used for an asset in an e-card for a funeral.
Personal Project, mock up for a retail store gif asset.
Personal Project, mock up for website asset
An animated gif used for an asset for a DnD group.
An animated gif used for an asset for a DnD group.
Personal Project showcasing walk cycles in an animated gif.
Personal project showcasing some squash and stretch in an animated gif.
Personal project, mock up for animated banner.